Jharra Healing

Our deepest desire is to live in alignment with our authentic self. To achieve this, it is necessary to clear away the patterns that still prevent us from standing firmly in that truth.


Jharra is an ancient Vedic shamanic healing technique, reintroduced by Haidakhan Babaji, that cleanses the energetic light body. A session works deeply down to the cellular level, on different layers and different fields of consciousness. The underlying traumas and pain points stored in the body are opened and softened so that they can be felt and released. Jharra helps you clear the disharmony and ensures that your natural harmony and balance can be restored.


The energies released during the sessions do exactly what you need at the moment. The sessions are personally tailored and will be experienced differently each time.


The result of a session is therefore different every time. The sessions open your heart and your natural recovery capacity gets a huge boost. They support physical complaints and it is also possible that:


- clearing your old patterns & blockages,

- you get closer to your authentic self,

- you will be more open in life and to the outside world,

- your consciousness is expanded,

- improves your ability to put things into perspective,

- your creativity gets a boost,

- you experience more decisiveness and the desire to take new steps,

- your relationships are balanced and conflicts are cleared up,

- you get more energy.


The sessions are given remotely. A photo of you is used to tune in. There is contact by telephone, app or email before the sessions and an evaluation after the session.